viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018

Nueva York 2012 / Balthus / The Mountain

The Mountain, 1936-1937

The Mountain, 1936-1937

The Mountain (1936-1937)

Serie: Nueva York  2012
Título: Balthus / The Mountain (1936-1937)
Lugar: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nueva York
23 de marzo de 2012
Foto de Triunfo Arciniegas

Painting in his austere Paris studio, Balthus imagined and depicted in this monumental canvas an escape from the congested city to the open landscape of Niederhorn Mountain, near Beatenberg, Switzerland. A hiking party of seven explores the mountainous terrain together, yet the figures are strangely isolated from one another, a persistent characteristic of Balthus’s work. The figure’s disparate poses and activities—walking, stretching, kneeling, and sleeping—heighten their detachment and enhance the scale and remoteness of the landscape. Invoking life in summer, The Mountain is one in an abandoned series of four canvases meant to symbolize the seasons.


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